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Marketing & Promotion

Marketing & Promotional Services

As the world’s largest distributor of comics, graphic novels, and pop-culture merchandise, Diamond Comic Distributors works to cultivate productive, profitable relationships between retailers and vendors to bring the best products to consumers worldwide.

But in an increasingly competitive marketplace, how can you be sure of what retailers and consumers want? And once you establish that, how do you determine the most effective way to tell them about your product?

We can help! Diamond can help you market your company & products to comics shops and other specialty retailers in a number of innovative, cost-effective ways.

Let us show you how!

Publications & Advertising

In addition to our numerous marketing services and programs, we can showcase your products in our industry-leading catalog, PREVIEWS, and other publications (listed below) that allow you to directly reach qualified buyers and your target audience.

Please click here for Advertising Rates & Specifications.


With monthly circulation to 4,000+ retailers and 50,000+ dedicated fans, PREVIEWS is the industry’s most widely read catalog and magazine! Now catch retailers and consumers with a variety of advertising options! (Availability of some spots is limited.)


Capture the attention of the UK market by advertising in PREVIEWS UK (Circ: 6,000+), a special monthly edition of PREVIEWS which features 24-page highlighting products available only to UK retailers and consumers. 


PREVIEWSAdult serves as a miniature version of PREVIEWS for retailers and consumers interested in adult material. It has its own editorial features, Featured Items, and order form associated with it. Your adult-oriented products will automatically be included in PREVIEWSAdult in the month they are solicited in PREVIEWS, with the PREVIEWS line listing encouraging customers 18 years of age and up to ask for a copy of PREVIEWSAdult to review your products.

Reach the adult entertainment market by advertising in this PDF download supplement to PREVIEWS, listing items available only to adults, and featuring more explicit descriptions, artwork and ads. (Circ: 9,000+)

PREVIEWS Order Forms

Get two ad spots for the price of one! Diamond produces two separate order forms: one for retailers (Circ: 10,000) and one for comic shop customer (Circ: 50,000+). Your ad buy gets you in both publications!

Plus: Diamond produces a PREVIEWS Short Order Form that is bound into the front of PREVIEWS each month. Only two ad spots are available for this often-used customer order form.

Previews Catalog Pack Inserts

Every month, PREVIEWS arrives in comic book stores throughout the world in PREVIEWS Catalog Packs (PCP). Within the PCP, retailers find their PREVIEWS catalog, their order form, and a selection of promotional inserts from vendors. You can use Diamond’s monthly pack to send fliers, posters and trading cards to retailers, as well.

Diamond Daily

Diamond Daily is an e-newsletter sent to Diamond's complete retailer customer base each business day. Each Diamond Daily is broken up into sections for ease of use:

  • Diamond Daily Deal - a special sale only available to readers of Diamond Daily.
  • Lead Story - the day's top story or most important information.
  • Shipping & Product Updates - Product Updates, Invoice Adjustments, Order Adjustments, and Price Changes.
  • Order Forms
  • Diamond News
  • Industry News
  • Industry Analysis - Monthly charts of market share and sales in a variety of categories, as they become available
  • Product News - Special information about products that can help retailers increase your sales and alert them to in-stock and Reorder opportunities
  • Website Updates
  • Your Feedback – In which retailers tell us what they think on a variety of topics

Through Diamond Daily, Diamond communicates quickly and efficiently with its customer base. You can benefit from this communication by keeping your Diamond Brand Manager apprised of news and information about your products and company, which can then be passed along to retailers through Diamond Daily. Industry News can communicate changes to your company or new properties you've acquired. Product News can remind retailers to increase their orders on your products. Shipping & Product Updates tells retailers when you've had to make changes or adjustments to your original solicitation. In every case, your Brand Manager can help ensure that your information is listed in the appropriate section of Diamond Daily at the best time to maximize your sales.

You can also purchase space in Diamond Daily to communicate to retailers. Ask your Brand Manager for details.

As a Diamond vendor, you are eligible to receive Diamond Daily. Contact your Purchasing Brand Manager to sign up for the newsletter.

Specialty Backlist Catalogs

Target discriminating fans with an ad in one of Diamond’s specialty backlist catalogs! Throughout the year, Diamond publishes special catalogs geared towards specific genres/buying niches. Examples include Video Vault (anime videos and DVDs), Star Wares (Star Wars merchandise), Mega Manga, Figure Factory (Toys and Models), and more, as well as Diamond’s regular Star System Backlist Catalogs, which list the many products that Diamond’s clients keep available on an ongoing basis. (Circ: approx. 50,000 each). Please check with your Purchasing Brand Manager for details.

Diamond Comic Distributors is proud to announce that space is now available on its popular websites for your advertising needs!

The many sites that fall under the Diamond Comic Distributors umbrella receive close to 10 million hits per month, with more than 20,000 unique visitors every day and over 660,000 unique visitors each month! These include traditional comic book fans, specialty market retailers, and even teachers and librarians.

The sites in the Diamond family include:

  • The company's home page, with links to all other sites and general information such as shipping lists and market share. (Premium spots: home page, shipping lists)

  • The specialty market's catalog, online one week before it arrives in stores! (Premium spot: home page)

  • A complete run-down of the latest and greatest collectible toys from Previews, along with a list of all toys in-stock at Diamond. (Premium spot: home page)

  • A site specifically designed for the use of educators and librarians wishing to incorporate graphic novels into their collections and curricula. (Premium spots: home page, review page)

  • Diamond's online interface with its retail customers, which supports online ordering and reporting of information such as invoices and up-to-the-minute news for retailers. (Premium spots: Main Menu, shipping lists, Monthly Tools page, Ordering Page, Reorders Online intro page)

You can market your product to these various groups with a banner ad or button ad on Diamond's websites.

For size information or to discuss web ad placement and rotation options, contact Marketing Director Dan Manser at 410-560-7100 ext. 8288.



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